13otoface2019-08-120Health 00

Book professional Dr at Otoface Clinica de Otorrinolaringologia Brasilia...

FACIAL FILLING This type of intervention is done by adding biocompatible materials to the target area on the patient's face....

8otoface2019-07-010Health 00

Your Otorrinolaringologista Brasilia will recommend surgeries and other invasive procedures to correct them. ...

11otoface2019-05-280Music 00

What is An Otorrino / ENT Doctor? ENT stands for ear, nose and throat and an ENT doctor or Otorrinolaringologista in Asa Sul...

8otoface2019-05-280Health 00

Rouquidão, O problema se deve geralmente a uma infecção de laringe ou uso indevido de corda vocal. Clínica Otoface tem expertise e tecnologia no Rou...

10otoface2019-05-150Health 00

The common surgeries performed by an ENT doctor or an otolaryngology doctor are going to differ from what any other specialist does in their clinic...

10otoface2019-04-240Health 00

Yes your Clinica Otorrino Brasilia is fully equipped to provide you with some really useful and efficient surgeries for such purposes. ...

10otoface2019-04-220Health 00

Estamos sempre ao seu serviço. Você pode entrar em contato conosco através dos seguintes canais...

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