Average order value is the average amount of your customer which spends on placing an order on your store and AOV metric is a key metric to learn of your custom...

Shopify Unite 2019 conference announced the marvelous future of e-commerce with Shopify. ...

10thimatic themes2019-06-100SEO 00

Great surprise for every store owner to gain a new customer and getting an extra income. Here's Thimatic team announce a FREE plan of Discount box Shopify app....

Thimatic team is extremely happy to announce Rivyo Shopify app integration with Product filter & search Shopify app....

A progressive web app (PWA) is the set of mobile web application development techniques that entails building apps that feel and look like native...

10thimatic themes2019-05-170Hobby 00

With Bundle Product app you can display multiple bundles on the product detail page with popular as well as flat products. ...

For the most successful product pages, you will focus on a variation of these same elements that must have on your product page. This element is not helping to ...

9thimatic themes2019-05-070Hobby 00

Here we have the perfect all in one app to provide various types of discount just because We cannot afford to lose a single customer because of the product pric...

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