10Smartplug2019-04-060Business 00

New boat designs and funny boat designs Seriously, what’s cooler than a boat that’s also a car? With the press of a switch, wheels come up and a j...

Unique Boat Designs and speed boat designed to be the fastest on the water, we’re intrigued. If you share our passion for boats, we know you’ll en...

7Smartplug2019-04-010Education 00

At SmartPlug, we’re passionate about boats. We like looking for inspiration from unique, crazy, and innovative boats. We provide boat products like cords...

7Smartplug2019-03-250News 00

RV Electrical Connectors, Mother Nature and RVers don't always see eye-to-eye, especially when it comes to cold weather. But with SmartPlugSystems onboard....

Here you can view our youtube videos and how you can install smartplug products videos....

8Smartplug2019-03-180Business 00

We’re back from another productive trip to Miami, Florida for the annual Miami Boat Show! The event was filled with a sea of people eager to check out th...

10Smartplug2019-03-120Business 00

Weather resistant boat plug, As you boaters know, cleaning your boat regularly is important for proper maintenance. To best protect the marine habitat....

8Smartplug2019-03-110Business 00

The SmartPlug is a revolutionary shore power system designed to replace the outdated and problematic twist-type design in use today....

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