An opioid overdose can lead to death of the patient. Also, with time the victim might develop tolerance to the medicine. To get the desired effects from the dru...

Addiction doesn’t really notify before happening, it simply happens. If you have been one of those who faced serious trouble because of opioid overdose, ...

Victims of the opioid epidemic were intentionally pushed towards the potential hazards of the drug by the pharmaceutical company. ...

Opioid overdose have been responsible for multiple cases of addiction and deaths. The liberal administration of the drug has been the main reason behind opioid ...

14Opioidlegal2019-06-210Health 00

Opioids work by reaching and attaching to opioid receptors in the brain and other parts of the body through the blood. Opioid receptors send and receive pain si...

11Opioidlegal2019-06-130Health 00

Opioids are classified as a class of pain relievers which produce endorphin in the body to reduce pain. It is commonly prescribed in patients suffering from chr...

15Opioidlegal2019-06-040Health 00

Prescription opioid is one of the most commonly misused medicinal drug that is consumed as pain relievers. With a growing list of accused ......

13Opioidlegal2019-06-010Health 00

Classified as a class of pain relievers, opioids are responsible to produce endorphin which can reduce pain. But this has led to consequences such as opioid add...

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