15santoshseo2023-04-170Health 00

Headache on the left side of head is the one of the common symptoms which can be caused by various reasons like head injury, migraine, TTH, atmospheric pressure...

16santoshseo2023-04-160Health 00

Migraine is the second most common cause of headache in U.S and around the world. In U.S it affects around 15% of women and 6% of men....

16santoshseo2023-04-160Health 00

Fever can developed due to many health conditions, Fever can be caused due to any illness among which most common. Know more about How To Treat Fever at Home vi...

13santoshseo2023-04-160Health 00

Headache is a very common problem nowadays. Due to the poor work-life balance of the individuals and work pressure, some individuals may commonly experience hea...

17santoshseo2023-04-160Health 00

Post-traumatic headache (PTHA) is defined as a secondary type headache that develops within 7 days after head trauma/ injury (or after regaining consciousness f...

11santoshseo2023-04-160Health 00

Tension Type Headache (TTH) is very common, with a lifetime prevalence in the general population ranging in between 30% and 78%. ...

13santoshseo2023-04-160Health 00

Migraine is the second most common cause of headache in U.S and around the world. In U.S it affects around 15% of women and 6% of men....

13santoshseo2023-04-160Health 00

Cluster headaches are mainly of two types Chronic cluster headaches and Episodic cluster headaches. Cluster Headache usually occurs in pattern....


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