14santoshseo2023-04-130Health 00

Viral fever is a type of fever that is caused by viral infection. The normal human body temperature is about 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 Degrees F), anything above...

15santoshseo2023-04-120Health 00

Cluster headaches are mainly of two types Chronic cluster headaches and Episodic cluster headaches. Cluster Headache usually occurs in pattern...

15santoshseo2023-04-120Health 00

Atrial fibrillation (or irregular heartbeat) can cause a quivering, irregular, or even fatal condition called blood clots, stroke, and other complications. ...

13santoshseo2023-04-120Health 00

Body temperature is controlled by the the hypothalamus. Hypothalamus is the brain portion which controls many body functions such as releasing of hormones from ...

11santoshseo2023-04-110Health 00

The most common symptom of chikungunya fever is high fever and joint pain. The intensity of pain is very high during chikungunya fever....

12santoshseo2023-04-100Health 00

Abida (Abby) graduated with Associate in Science degree in Dental Hygiene from Valencia College in Orlando, FL in 2009. ...

15santoshseo2023-04-100Health 00

The symptoms of typhoid fever in individuals can vary from person to person depending upon their age, medical history....

12santoshseo2023-04-100Health 00

Post-traumatic headache (PTHA) is defined as a secondary type headache that develops within 7 days after head trauma/ injury....


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