15subhayogam2019-07-240Publishing 00

Predicting or foretelling is totally dependent on the four elements of astrology FIRE, EARTH, AIR, and WATER since all elements speak about the zodiac signs ver...

11subhayogam2019-07-190Publishing 00

If you are thinking about getting your home free of all the negative energies, a Homam is the best option that you can think of. In this article read on the ben...

14subhayogam2019-07-170Publishing 00

Sri Viswanatha Saraswathi is the best astrologer in Hyderabad who is proficient in Vastu Shastra. Every individual wants to design their house with perfect Vast...

16subhayogam2019-07-080Publishing 00

If you suffering from bad dreams, then just follow these measures. Astrology or Jyotish Shastra emphatically states that the run of bad dreams can be overcome w...

13subhayogam2019-07-050Publishing 00

Vedic astrology is an age-old science that directs the life of an individual on the right path. This Shastra completely revolves around the location of differen...

13subhayogam2019-07-010Publishing 00

Horoscope matching for marriage is a ritual that has been practicing across the country regardless of the social class and religion. ...

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