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The healthcare apps are becoming more and more popular, because of the increased use of smartphones, therefore, the safety of the apps becomes all the more impo...

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EMR based programs help the doctors, healthcare and even the patients to record the healthcare data and use it whenever required....

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Cloud computing is an innovative IT-enabled approach that can act as a strategic vehicle to deliver cost-effective and timely healthcare services....

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Selecting the right IT service is becoming a critical decision. It can improve administration functions, help in cutting costs, bring organisational efficiency ...

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The best way to avoid any security problem that may arise is by laying down security as the major priority while developing the healthcare mobile applications....

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With the help of Patient management systems, doctors can now access complete patient records in seconds, while ensuring that we are able to track a patientâ€...

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There are many areas where healthcare application development has made a difference — from hospital management to patient diagnosis....

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Cyber attacks can leave the IT security in a healthcare organisation vulnerable to theft, ransom and serious damage. ...

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